"A Chocolat Affaire"
Friday, February 10, 2012
5:00 - 10:00 PM
Your Kalispell Downtown Association and the Kalispell Business Improvement District invite you and your friends and family to an evening in Historic Downtown Kalispell. Friday night, February 10, “A Chocolat Affaire”, promises to be an evening to remember. If you enjoyed the December Art Walk, you will love this event. Walk through various downtown businesses tasting a variety of chocolate treats and shopping for your special valentine. Businesses will be offering sale items and some discounts. Shop, taste and judge the chocolate from 5:00 - 7:00 PM and then treat yourself to a wonderful evening of jazz from 7:00 - 10:00 PM at the COCOABANANA aka; The Split Rock Café, 30 2nd St. East. Listen to the musical sounds of the COCOANUTS featuring Tom Gunn, piano; Don Caverly, bass; Jack Waller, drums; Chuck Florence, sax; Miriam Singer, songbird) brought to you by Don K Subaru, another Singer & Simpson Production.
Food, beer, wine, specialty coffee & soft drinks will be available for purchase during the evening. The awards ceremony for best chocolate will be presented at 8:00 along with many door prizes. Many thanks to our event sponsors; Glacier Bank, Insured Titles, Scottibelli’s, Sterling Titles, The Split Rock Café, Wheaton’s and Whitefish Credit Union.